Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Is oversharing a real thing?

Sharing.  When I hear this word, it takes me back to a Kindergarten that reeks of Crayola Crayons.  The ideal that "sharing is caring" repeats in my head.  From the time we exit the womb, we are told that sharing is super important.  The theme of sharing still exists today, but the word takes on a new meaning.

Sharing photos, sharing thoughts, sharing videos, and sharing songs.  These are just a few examples of sharing rooted in social media, that give our loyal followers a glimpse into our everyday life.  While sharing has always had a positive connotation, when do we step into oversharing?

We all have that one friend that posts about every aspect of their life.  They let you know about their cheating ex, their trip to the grocery store, and everything in between.  Sure oversharing is present here, but let's talk about oversharing on a larger scale.

The most relevant and recent oversharing can be seen through reality tv sweetheart, Kim Kardashian. A few months ago, Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint inside of her Paris apartment.  About $11 million dollars of jewelry were stolen from the victim, and many people blame social media.  Hours before the robbery, Kim posted pictures flaunting her gigantic bling.  This isn't the exact photo that was posted, since that one has been deleted.  You get the idea.
Kim Kardashian is known for her large voice on social media, so it is no surprise that this sharing ended up being her demise.  In this case, I question whether or not this oversharing was what lead to the robbery.  If Kim had not posted these type of posts, would this robbery have taken place?

Another aspect of oversharing can be seen through potential and current professional athletes.  Drugs have been a problem in sports basically forever.  We typically don't appreciate athletes engaging in illegal drug use, and sports governing bodies don't take to this very lightly.  Athletes have a presence on social media that is stronger than ever.  With promotions and sponsorships being highlighted on these outlets, any negative behavior that is exposed through these platforms can be detrimental.  Let's tbt to April 2016--The NFL Draft.  Moments before the draft Laremy Tunsil's Twitter account "leaked" a video of him smoking from a bong.  Aw man! Oversharing again.  

We have always been told to keep social media presence clean.  The ideas that "what is on the internet is forever" and "your future employers will see what you post" has haunted us since the start of social media.  If the stars discussed in this post, and others that are for sure committing the crime of oversharing were to be a little more thoughtful would they have been able to avoid the repercussions? My vote is yes.  With the impact of social media, stars need to be regulating social media posts more intensely.  

Moral of this story: Stay safe and post safe people! 

Okay devil's advocate real quick: even though these posts lead to negative implications, these events were still covered in the media and discussed at length by the public.  No PR is bad PR?


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