Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Brackets for everything? Good or bad?

Happy March Madness! Let's talk about this for a minute.  Living in the south, people really only care about college football...until March.  As soon the words "March Madness" start getting thrown around, these southern homies pretend to start caring about college basketball.

You might be wondering why this is, and I have the answer.  The first explanation for this revolves more around psychological theory.  People want to feel part of a group, and when people are all talking about a certain topic at a certain time, people want to feel included.  Now let's talk about brackets....

When thinking about March Madness in general, most people do not think about it without the association of brackets.  People spend hours on end creating and perfecting their brackets.  They join leagues with their friends, coworkers, and sometimes people they don't know.  The idea is to guess all of the winners of each game.  Whether you are an avid college basketball fan or just making picks based on the attractiveness of the players, anyone can compete.

Since competing through these brackets is so successful, the idea of competing in a similar way has gone beyond March Madness.  With this past season of The Bachelor, a similar mode of competition was unveiled.  People could compete in the Bachelor Fantasy League hosted by ESPN.  This same sense of camaraderie is felt through this similar game experience.  These fantasy league/bracket platforms create brand love, as well as potential advertising dollars for the organization itself.

In my opinion, these platforms are special and work, because they are not constantly seen through every platform.   As the concept of fantasy leagues and brackets are applied to more tv shows and sports, will this lessen the appeal for the organizations that did it first?


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